
Monday, September 30, 2013

AngelVoice Sept. 30 - Oct. 6, 2013

~~~~~~Sept. 30 - Oct. 6, 2013~~~~~~

EARTH ELEMENT: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Your Guiding Angel is: The Angel of Goofy. Angelic Advice: While many of life's moments seem to call for seriousness, others most definitely call for the silly. A child does not worry about playing with undivided determination but delights in and grows from playing for fun. Being uninhibited is freeing and joyful! Who cares if you are the oddball today? Let loose! Your angels wish you joy in: Making Merry!

FIRE ELEMENT: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Your Guiding Angel is: The Angel of Protection. Angelic Advice: Remember that your angels are with you wherever you go, whatever you do, and if you listen to that inner voice, you will always be protected. Any time you are in doubt, just call in some Angel Power! Let it radiate from within your heart and it will light up your world. Your angels wish you joy in: Powering up!

AIR ELEMENT: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra

The Angel of Baby Steps. Angelic Advice: When a baby takes its first step, Mom beams with joy and encouragement. This event is a milestone because it promises a bright future of exploration and learning about life. When you begin a new adventure, celebrate your first steps toward your goal and know that angels are beaming with pride and joy. Your angels wish you joy in: Pride of Accomplishment.

WATER ELEMENT: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Your Guiding Angel is: The Angel of Wondrous Revelation. Angelic Advice: Look not for answers to come like a crashing cymbal or lightning bolt. Instead, listen in the stillness of your heart for the message of your divine guides. The sweet silence brings renewed understanding. Your angels wish you joy in: Meditation.

Monday, September 23, 2013

AngelVoice Sept. 23 - 29

~~~~~~Sept. 23 - Sept. 29, 2013~~~~~~

EARTH ELEMENT: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Your Guiding Angel is: The Angel of Revelation. Angelic Advice: Whatever direction your life's path takes today, look for lessons to be learned and important messages to be revealed. The clouds may part to reveal brilliant light for you. Startling new inspirations may come in the quietest moments and daydreams. Your angels wish you joy in: Discoveries.

FIRE ELEMENT: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Your Guiding Angel is: The Angel of Genesis. Angelic Advice: A new desire or emotion may be born within you today with this special angel's help, or a secret desire may manifest. New feelings of love and creativity bring great joy. Your angels wish you joy in: Recognizing and nurturing new beginnings.

AIR ELEMENT: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra

Your Guiding Angel is: The Angel of Friendship. Angelic Advice: There is nothing more beautiful than true friendship, but your angels remind you that like everything else in life, friendships must be allowed room for growth, change, and beginnings and endings. As you grow in spirit, allow your friendships to transform also. Your angels wish you joy in: Seasons of love.

WATER ELEMENT: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Your Guiding Angel is: The Artist Angel. Angelic Advice: Expressing yourself through art is an act of honoring your soul. Mix up some colors that please you, concoct a delicious new recipe, or create a lovely poem. Whatever you do, express your emotions and withhold the judgement - your creations shine! Your angels wish you joy in: Daring.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Spirit Matters Salon

Welcome to the Spirit Matters Salon. I've always been a huge fan of double entendres, and clever phrases that have more than one relevant meaning. "Spirit Matters" is the name of both this blog as well as my paranormal sideline, Spirit Matters Media. It really encompasses a host of ideas and intents: all things/matters relevant to "spirit", and the fact that "spirit" really does matter. "Spirit" is the focus here in all its forms: our human spirit; being spirited or uplifted, vital and inspired; "spirit" as in non-corporeal entities that exist in dimensions other than the physical world. (And of course we can't forget "spirit" as in a glass of wine or a frosty margarita LOL).

A "salon" is a reception room, or a group of like-minded people coming together often to discuss topics of mutual interest or engage in activities of appreciation of an art, idea, or theme. It is a place to socialize and share uplifting concepts and elicit and explore opinions.

Since my early days online back in 1998, I have been privileged to connect with many kindred souls who have helped me grow and expand in consciousness and enlightenment through our interactions and exchanges. I have written and posted millions of words through numerous groups, columns, books and articles that I hope have helped others on their life journeys and quests. Now, it is a new phase in my personal journey and time for a new evolution in my online activities, which include: We Are Stardust, In Touch with Zsuzsana, SoulMail, ArcanaMatrix, and many more venues.

I hope that Spirit Matters Salon will become a hub for many of my online activities and writing, as well as for all who find there way here: my loyal friends and readers and all my new friends I have yet to meet.

Please stay tuned, post your comments and visit often as we have just begun!


Tarotscope, like my other long-running syndicated columns, has been in hiatus for the past year due to a combination of technical issues. I am currently working on bring AngelVoice back, but if you would also like to see Tarotscope back in the line-up, please leave a comment on this page. Blessings!