
Monday, February 3, 2014

AngelVoice~~~~Feb. 3 - 9, 2014~~~Welcome to our New Format


~~~~Feb. 3 - 9, 2014~~~

Your Guiding Angel is: The Angel of Action.  Angelic Advice: Spirit helps those who help themselves, so get moving. If you don't go after what you want, it is difficult for your angels to present it to you. If you don't ask the question, you're unlikely to find an answer. Your angels are waiting to see how they can help you best, so frame your vision, state it, and start taking the necessary steps to get there. Your angels wish you joy in: Positivity.

Your Guiding Angel is: The Angel of Childhood Dreams.  Angelic Advice: Dare to dream as a child does. Find delightful shapes in the clouds, look for the brightest star in the sky, let your soul run through a field or share your musings with a special stuffed animal. Embrace the creativity this brings to your day and allow yourself to be who you want to be .  Your angels wish you joy in: Creativity and boundless insight.

Your Guiding Angel is: The Angel of Chaos.  Angelic Advice: Let the melee which surrounds you work itself out. We cannot worry about that which we cannot control. Look for the calm within the storm and allow it to be your focus.  Chaos is not necessarily bad. A shake-up or two could present better possibilities and a brighter picture once the dust settles. Your angels wish you joy in: Letting go.

Your Guiding Angel is: The Angel of Laughter.  Angelic Advice: Humour is your guiding star today. Whatever the outcome of the day's events, look upon them with a child-like eye and see the inherent humour in all things. And when something pleases you or tickles your funny bone, engage the rest of the world with your delightful laughter - which is music to the angels' ears. Your angels wish you joy in: Lightheartedness.

Your Guiding Angel is: The Angel of Communication.  Angelic Advice:  If you've sometimes been less than clear about expressing yourself, you are short-changing both yourself and others. Communication is most wonderful when it comes from the heart - give yourself the gift of true self-expression.  Say what's in your heart instead of what's on your mind. Your angels wish you joy in: Truth.

Your Guiding Angel is: The Angel of Sound Energy.  Angelic Advice:  Music will inspire you to create or develop something that has been blocked for you. You may find that listening to something different from usual will change your vibration and outlook today. Color your world with pleasant sounds today. Let sound waves transport you to unexplored realms. Your angels wish you joy in: Melodious tones.

Your Guiding Angel today is: The Angel of Kodak Moments. Angelic Advice: Recognize the magic in your world today and take a mental picture.  You have the ability to create huge albums of your own forever-to-be-cherished keepsake moments, if you take the time to notice the wonders in your world. It is wonderful to create and save memorable moments to cherish down the road and always, and by recognizing the now as you snap the shots, you bring the magic of your blessings to the forefront. Your angels wish you joy in: Creative Awareness.

Your Guiding Angel is: The Angel of Note-Making.   Angelic Advice:  You will receive divine guidance on a long-term project so make sure to jot down any ideas that come to you -- especially if they seem out of reach.  The angels want you to see they are not so far-fetched.  Enjoy channeling the angels' thoughts!   Your angels wish you joy in: Beautiful Poetry of the mind.

Your Guiding Angel is: The Angel of Gardens.  Angelic Advice: Whether your garden is a geranium in a window sill flowerpot, or a majestic manicured parterre, there is much joy in claiming a little bit of nature for our own, to nourish and to hold close to our hearts. All that grows vibrates with a life force that we can partake of. If you do not have a garden, how about adopting a neighbourhood tree and saying hello every time you walk past it?  Your angels wish you joy in: Nurturing.

Your Guiding Angel is: The Angel of Orderliness.  Angelic Advice:  The Angels are hiding things on you around your home and office.  Getting your physical space in order will clear and reorganize the energy for you.  There are many new angelic situations and gifts ready to come in for you if you have a place to put them.  Get ready for some lovely clarity brightened up with some angelic sparkle!  Your angels wish you joy in:  Tidying up your energy.

Your Guiding Angel is: The Angel of Positivity.  Angelic Advice: Positive thoughts nourish and heal and open the doors for our angels. When we choose to create a positive and beautiful reality, our angels rush with joy to support us in our goals. If you catch yourself thinking any negative thoughts today - turn them around and watch the universal energies respond. Your angels wish you joy in: Saying YES.


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