
Monday, January 13, 2014

AngelVoice ~~~~~~Jan. 13 - 19, 2014~~~~~~


~~~~~~Jan. 13 - 19, 2014~~~~~~

EARTH ELEMENT: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Your Guiding Angel is: The Angel of Action.  Angelic Advice: Spirit helps those who help themselves, so get moving. If you don't go after what you want, it is difficult for your angels to present it to you. If you don't ask the question, you're unlikely to find an answer. Your angels are waiting to see how they can help you best, so frame your vision, state it, and start taking the necessary steps to get there. Your angels wish you joy in: Positivity.

FIRE ELEMENT: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Your Guiding Angel is: The Angel of Healing.  Angelic Advice: The healing energies of the universe are within each of us - if we allow the 'inner sun' to shine. Healing is a natural process. Finding that quiet and oh so bright space within will allow our angels to help us get back into balance and flourish as we are meant to. This shining healing energy we cultivate with our angels will reflect outward to heal others too. Everything can be healed; body, mind, spirit, situations, so invite this angel in for a helpful boost. Your angels wish you joy in: Your inner sun.
AIR ELEMENT: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra
Your Guiding Angel is: The Angel of Competence. Angelic Advice: Striving to succeed in all areas is admirable as long as one doesn't neglect their spirit in the quest to succeed. Do your best as always, but try to remember what is truly important in life. Reflect on and appreciate all your talents and skills, and enjoy seeing them in action. If there are times you wonder if you are up to par, or you feel you can't "do it all", know that your best is good enough! Your angels wish you joy in: Prioritizing.

WATER ELEMENT: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Your Guiding Angel is: The Angel of Music.  Angelic Advice:  Music is food for the soul. A song on the radio can transport us. A favourite tune in our head as we walk along the street can uplift us. Singing in the shower is refreshing, sweet expression and release. The air around us is filled with the delightful music of nature. Birds sing, crickets chirp and breezes rustle through the trees. The music is always there - how often do you stop to listen? Your angels wish you joy in: Soul smiles.


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