
Monday, January 27, 2014

AngelVoice ~~~Jan. 27 - Feb. 2, 2014~~~

~~~~~~Jan. 27 - Feb. 2, 2014~~~~~~

EARTH ELEMENT: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Your Guiding Angel is: The Angel of Sound Energy. Angelic Advice: Music will inspire you to create or develop something that has been blocked for you. You may find listening to something different than usual will change your vibration and outlook today. Color your world with pleasant sounds today. Your Angels wish you joy in: Melodious tones.

FIRE ELEMENT: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Your Guiding Angel is: The Angel of Orderliness. Angelic Advice: The Angels are hiding things on you around your home and office. Getting your physical space in order will clear and reorganize the energy for you. There are many new angelic situations and gifts ready to come in for you if you have a place to put them. Get ready for some lovely clarity brightened up with some angelic sparkle! Your Angels wish you joy in: Fresh energy.

AIR ELEMENT: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra

Your Guiding Angel is: The Angel of Note-Making. Angelic Advice: You will receive divine guidance on a long-term project so make sure to jot down any ideas that come to you -- especially if they seem out of reach. The angels want you to see they are not so far-fetched. Enjoy channeling the angels' thoughts! Your Angels wish you joy in: Beautiful Poetry of the mind.

WATER ELEMENT: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Your Guiding Angel is: The Angel of Laughter. Angelic Advice: Humour is your guiding star today. Whatever the outcome of the day's events, look upon them with a child-like eye and see the inherent humour in all things. And when something pleases you or tickles your funny bone, engage the rest of the world with your delightful laughter - which is music to the angels' ears. Your angels wish you joy in: Lightheartedness.

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